Graha Yogas
The Essence of Jyotish
The Essence of Jyotiṣa
The most brilliant aspect of India's astrological science is the many graha yogas given in the ancient texts. These planetary combinations in a birth chart reveal a person's karma. Combined with daśās , or planetary periods that show timing, they form the essence of Jyotiṣa and are what make it so unique and superior to all other forms of astrology. Yogas show what a person is likely to experience in their life based on their karmas and daśās show when this will happen.
From that standpoint, the analysis of a birth chart becomes partly a matter of:
- Identifying the yogas
- Assessing their ability to give their promised “fruits” in terms of:
- - fully
- - partially
- - not at all
- - with or without "blemishes"
- Timing these results through the planetary periods
Course Delivery Model
The course content is delivered through a combination of video presentations, extensive written material and recordings of online interactive webinars. Students are able to absorb the extensive learning material at their own pace and convenience.
In total students will receive:
- 8 Lessons that include 35 hours of video presentation
- 12 plus hours of instruction via recordings of online webinars associated with each lesson.
- A PDF copy of my books Graha Yogadīpika - Volumes One and Two (500 pages)
Watch this video to get a preview of the course content
Your Instructor
Marc Boney M.A. is an internationally renowned astrological teacher, writer, and consultant. He has been involved since 1974 with the integration of the ancient wisdom of astrology with the counseling arts. He received his training in Jyotiṣa primarily from K.N. Rao, one of the world’s foremost Vedic astrologers. His focus is on using the Vedic system to help guide people in their lives, as well as training others.
Marc has been a featured speaker at international conferences, is a faculty member of the American College of Vedic Astrology, and was the main presenter on Jyotiṣa at the Chopra Center for Well-Being from 2000 to 2002. He is the author of over 90 articles on this topic and 35 books.
The Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhāvan, of New Delhi, India honored Marc with a Distinguished Service Award for his contributions to the advancement of Vedic Astrology in the West.
In December of 2024 The American College of Vedic Astrology awarded Marc the prestigious Jyotish Navaratna Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions of Vedic Astrology.
Marc founded the Pacific Institute of Vedic Science, which offers quality educational programs in Yoga, Ayurveda, and Jyotiṣa in the San Diego area where he lives.
Prior to his current full-time involvement with these Vedic sciences, Marc held positions in the corporate world as a Director of Human Resources, Outplacement Consultant, and Leadership Consultant.
Marc holds an MA in Counseling Psychology and a BA in English Literature from Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois.
He is a practitioner of Transcendental Meditation since 1971 and later trained as a teacher and taught TM in the late 70s.